Why You Should Hire Me

May 14, 2021

A little (okay long) note on why you should hire me. 

I’m so grateful for the new voices and energy of the fitness industry. A new streaming platform emerges every single day, and every single one matters. The work matters. When it comes to inspiring others to love themselves and connect to their bodies, there can never be too many voices.

There is of course another side to the industry.
There’s an old way of doing things. 

And the old way is, well...kind of icky.

The old way is to create programs that shine a giant spotlight on you every single day, in order to point out what needs to be fixed. The old way uses imagery and unrealistic beauty standards to remind you why you will never measure up. It uses your pain, past trauma and emotions to lure you in and sell you on an end goal that deep in your soul -- you never wanted in the first place. You were programmed to believe that was your truth.  Hmmm, and we wonder why it’s so hard to stick to certain fitness programs? Who would/should stick around for that? 

To be clear -- the old way of doing things, is not my way of doing things. 

I’m not here for the quick fix, I’m here for connection.
I’m not here to fix you at all. If you are reading this that means you are  human and not a dishwasher. Therefore -- you are not broken and don’t need to be fixed. #SCIENCE

I’m also not here to hold you accountable. I do not believe in accountability partners, because the day you become self-led is the day everything changes. 

So if I’m not holding you accountable, telling you what to do, and fixing all of your perceived flaws in time for bikini season -- why in the heck would you hire me + join my program? 

Hire me to remind you of your truth. This is not about you struggling for 8 weeks to feel worthy or good enough. This is about you flourishing. This is about you having the experience of feeling safe/good in your body from day 1, and seeing where that energy takes you. (Hint: It’s going to take you farther than you could ever imagine.)

Hire me for good times. Hire me to take the ‘work’ out of working out, and bring movement back to something you love and look forward to. 

Hire me to be part of an experience that normalizes radical self-love, laughter and spontaneous living room dance parties.

Hire me when you’re tired of being a client, and ready to be a co-creator. The client vibe is reflective of the old way of doing things. It reflects a time when you signed up for a program, viewed the instructor as someone who held a missing link, and handed over your power. Not here. 

Hire me to be in the presence of someone who is going to hold you to a high standard, because she believes in you SO MUCH. I don’t need to know you personally or meet you IRL to understand your power and worthiness. It’s your birthright.

Hire me to release the past, and release your desire to live in fix-it mode. Hire me to be part of the revolution, and that revolution is — loving ourselves just as we are. Right now.

And while I mean all of the above from the deepest parts of my heart + soul, most importantly --
Do not hire me for what I say.
Watch what I do.
And if/when this sparks something within you --
Come on in, and come as you are.